Celebrate Christmas with style rather than overspending. I know. That’s much easier said than done.
We all know it’s easy to overspend during the holidays, but so many of us do it anyway. It’s that time of year when we want to make everyone happy with gifts, food, and of course, the decorations.
Celebrate Christmas by Spending More Time and Thought Than Money on Christmas Gifts
Buying Christmas presents can put a serious dent in anyone’s bank account, so take a step back and look at the big picture. Yes, it’s nice to exchange gifts, but we don’t have to spend money we don’t have. Your children, your friends, and your significant other will survive if they don’t receive the biggest, the best, and the most expensive thing on their list.
As you go through all the celebrations of the Christmas season, don’t forget that it’s easy to get stressed. And when you get stressed, you might get snappy. Do your best to follow some holiday manners, so you don’t have to apologize later.
Celebrate Christmas by Making Holiday Memories

One of the things that makes me happiest is spending time with my family. Several years ago, my adult daughters and I enjoyed a night out at a painting studio, and we came home with pictures to remind us of that fun night.
Budgeting for the Holidays
I’ve made the mistake of overspending on my family, so I know how easy it is to do. The problem is that, even after the holidays, you still have to pay the mortgage, the electric bill, the water bill, and . . . You know the routine. Now I set a limit for each person and try to get the best thing I can within my means.
Another thing some people do (and I think it’s an excellent idea) is to purchase gifts throughout the year. There is one problem with that, though. The people I buy for typically get what they want when they want it, and I don’t want to duplicate gifts.
Now that we have a cat in our home, I want to run out and buy him all the coolest toys I can find. But I know from past experience that his favorite things will be the box it came in and the paper it was wrapped in. Plus he already has enough toys.

You can find all kinds of fun things for your pets, including sweaters and other wearables. My other daughter dressed her puppy up in an adorable sweater.

Celebrate Christmas with Holiday Food
Nothing speaks to me louder than holiday food. From the honey-baked ham and sweet potatoes to the delicious, sugary treats that are abundant jump right off the plate and into my mouth.
One of the most popular holiday treats is the cookie. What’s wonderful about them is that you can take almost any cookie and decorate it for the season. I love peanut butter cookies and homemade macaroons during our Christmas celebration. Well, actually, I like them any time of year.
One of my friends has a food blog called Back to My Southern Roots, and she knows how to use it to entice me away from whatever diet I have decided to stick to. Every single time I read it, my mouth waters . . . Okay, I drool. She’s a wonderful cook, so I thought I’d share one of her yummy desserts here.
Here’s an example of a tasty treat she makes:
Christmas Decorations
Here is another way we typically overspend, and that is on decorations. One of our daughters has been married for quite a while, and I like what she’s done.
She has a beautiful, big tree that she has decorated with stunning high-end ornaments, but she didn’t go overboard right away. It’s been accumulated over the years. This year, when she decided to fill in some areas, she decided to do it with snowflakes from the Dollar Tree, and I think it adds even more elegance to the look.

Dollar stores are also a great place to look when you want to add a few more decorations around the house. I purchased a large church ornament and surrounded it with some greenery. My total cost—only $2. That’s right! Two bucks!
There are so many different things you can do to celebrate Christmas with inexpensive items from Walmart, Target’s Dollar Spot, the Dollar Tree, the 99-Cent Store, and other places. One of my favorite YouTubers adds how-to videos on how to make your home a showplace on a budget. If you start watching her channel, Do It On a Dime, you’ll be hooked. Another one I like is Chic on the Cheap.
The Birth of Jesus Christ – True Celebration of Christmas
I’ve saved the most important thing about the holidays for last. My family celebrates Christmas by focusing on what it’s truly about—the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We know that it is all about Him and the gift of eternal life that He gave us.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
Luke 2:11